Cod is one of the most popular types of fish eaten in the UK. And it’s easy to see why. It has a mild flavour which makes it a great base to create stunning fish dishes filled with flavour and spice. But it’s also robust enough to fry or batter to create delicious melt-in-your-mouth fish and chips. Plus, it’s full of nutrients whilst being low fat. However, if you love cod but are looking for a few alternatives to try to expand your horizons, here are 5 we think you’ll love.
1. Black cod
Despite the name, Black Cod isn’t actually part of the cod family. You might also see it listed as Sable Fish, and is a deep-sea fish, which can live up to 5,000 feet below the sea. Black Cod has been prized for its rich, buttery flavour and smooth, velvety texture which isn’t too dissimilar to cod. Despite the name, only the outside of the fish is dark and the flesh of the fish is actually a beautiful pearly white colour. It boasts slightly more calories than traditional cod so that may be something to bear in mind when cooking a Black Cod recipe.
2. Haddock
If you’re really craving cod but can’t find any anywhere then Haddock is probably the most identical fish to cod on this list. It could even be said your dinner guests might not be able to tell the difference!
Haddock is a smaller relative belonging to the same class as cod, Gadidae but there are some subtle differences you can keep an eye out for. Haddock has a slightly sweeter, stronger taste but has far smaller flakes and a denser texture as cod is fatter and bigger. You can prepare haddock pretty much any way you like but it has a lower oil content than cod which means it’ll need less cooking time.
3. Hake
Hake is a popular saltwater fish from the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans. It is well-known for its sweet flavour and flaky white flesh, which holds up well after cooking. As a member of the cod family, the flavour and texture of the flesh are very similar however hake is known to have a little more coarseness to its grain and usually comes in smaller fillers. However, they both have similar nutritional values and low saturated fats. Remember, hake is cooked as soon as the flesh turns opaque – so don’t overcook this delectable alternative.
4. Halibut
Halibut is a delicious white-fleshed fish with a firm meaty texture and could be best described as cod’s larger cousin. It’s the largest flatfish in the sea and has been known to grow up to 1/2 ton in size. They grow so big that whole cod and pollock have been found inside their stomachs! Halibut is lean with ultra-low levels of fat and whilst it has a slighter stronger flavour profile than cod, it’s still quite a mild fish overall.
5. Mahi-mahi
Mahi-mahi is quite a high-end alternative to cod – we wanted to end with a bang! Mahi-mahi is a Hawaiian word that means “very strong”, which is what this fish is often called due to its ability to fight off predators. Unlike cod, mahi-mahi’s flesh ranges from pink to beige, and the cooked flesh will not be pure white but the flavour isn’t far off. Mahi-mahi is a more fishy-tasting fish so that’s something to keep in mind when dishing it up!
Let us know your favourite alternative to cod and don’t forget to head to our recipe section for some delicious inspiration!